We believe that faculty have different interests and needs for development in teaching and learning across  the course of their careers. Consequently, we offer a range of programming and topics to meet those differing needs focused on evidence-based teaching and learning in response to changing student needs as different generations enroll and changes in the higher education landscape.  

  1. Faculty Academy – a year-long program for faculty new to Dalton State that covers a wide variety of evidence-based teaching tools as options for future teaching goals with a cohort-based networking experience.
  2. Scholarly Teaching Fellows – The scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) involves scholarly inquiry into how students learn and how teaching affects student learning. CETL supports faculty members conducting SoTL with a year-long program guiding them through a SoTL project, with support to present or publish their findings.
  3. Peer Observations of Teaching – These confidential conversations usually include a discussion of a peer classroom observation but can also include review of student evaluations of teaching, course materials, or focus groups with students, and through this process look for opportunities for growth. Request an observation HERE.
  4. Celebration of Teaching – runs in April to spotlight the excellent work we achieved together in teaching throughout the academic year including faculty and student success stories.
  5. Thank a Teacher Program – an opportunity for students to express appreciation for the help and support they have received from their faculty. This program is promoted the last four weeks of each semester but Request a Thank a Teacher letter here.
  6. Faculty Development Day – held in August with a Keynote speaker and breakout sessions.
  7. Bold Talks – a conference-style event providing an opportunity to share teaching and learning techniques jointly hosted by CETL and the Faculty Development Committee.
  8. Faculty Learning Communities and Communities of Practice – organized by the CETL fellows and other interested  faculty and staff around a topic of their interest to support student success. of faculty who use different evidence-based teaching techniques in the classroom. 
  9. Workshop Series – workshops targeted at evidence-based techniques for student success, retention, and engagement.
  10. Pints & Pedagogy – with more and more of our work moving virtually, Pints & Pedagogy is a chance to socialize with colleagues off-campus alongside a brief discussion of an emerging topic. 
  11. On-Demand Development – podcasts, archived workshops, and other recorded content for learning on your own time.

If you have suggestions for us or would like to take a leadership role in our programming, please email us at cetl@daltonstate.edu